BFGC - Apr 2, 2023 Staying Focused

1 year ago

Satan uses many tactics to prevent believers from living their lives in a way that pleases Yehovah. He tries bribery, deception, and many different types of distractions to keep followers of Yeshua from producing fruit in the Kingdom of Yehovah. Anything that will cause your focus to stray from the plans of God for your life will be presented as an acceptable substitute, regardless of what the Bible teaches. Believers must decide that doing the Will of God is their top priority and then trust in the power of the Holy Spirit to help them stay on track and not let the cares of life, family issues, career choices, or even spare time hobbies, become a distraction or worse, an idol in their life.

Love God and Love your Neighbor
Preach the Kingdom of Yehovah
Make Disciples for Yeshua
Sanctify the Name of Yehovah

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