Pathfinder Campaign: Star of the Deep | Under Ground (Lost ep)

1 year ago

Hey folks, we're really sorry about the missing DnD episode. Some tech issues got the best of us, and we lost the audio. Over the rest of the campaign there are about 10 more that are missing. Trust us, we know it's a bummer, but we'll keep rolling with the next episodes and the punches as they come. Thanks for sticking with us! God bless!

Session 33: The party leaves the waterfall cave with Sareth defeated, and Gregory fallen... They do their best to pick up the pieces, and press on towards Droskar's Crag
Using the #Pathfinder 1E ruleset, join us for a long form #DnD #campaign that focuses on #roleplay , characterization, and interpersonal conflict as four characters with individual motivations set off on a journey that will alter the course of history

Matt as Duromak, the Half-Orc Warpriest of Abadar. He relentlessly seeks the warlock called Finitevus and proclaims to be trying to prevent a catastrophe

Angel as Archimedes, the Android Arcanist. He awoke shortly before meeting Wilzu in a destroyed lab and has a propensity for an ancient power source known as Chaos. He seems to have an infinite capacity to store this power

Trevor as Elear, the Half-Elf Psychic, who fell from the sky during the events of Freedom Day, and claims to be from another plane. He has eldritch dreams and visions of the deep sea and skies above

Lee as Wilzu, the Halfling Investigator, who begins to find new purpose after becoming a father figure to his hireling Gregory, and befriending the party. After one particularly rough encounter, he entered a pact with a dark being to rescue Gregory

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Music and arrangements by the amazing and talented…

🎵 TPR:

🎵 The Second Narrator:

🎵 RetroSpecter:

🎵 Synthetic Orchestra:

🎵 GaMetal:

🎵 Vetrom:

🎵 Avith Ortega:

All works of art and music belong to their respective owners
I own nothing.

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