Revealed: How Democrat Senators Profit from US Economic Decline (Carper & Lowenthal)

1 year ago

Discover the shocking truth behind congressional insider trading as we expose how Senators Thomas Carper and Alan Lowenthal profit from America's economic struggles. This investigation reveals how these politicians are betting against the US economy, taking advantage of their privileged positions in Congress. Don't miss this eye-opening exposé on the darker side of politics, where personal gain takes priority over the nation's well-being. Join us as we dive deep into the world of congressional insider trading and demand accountability from those who are supposed to serve and protect our interests.
00:00 Introduction
00:10 Betting against the United States
00:20 Elected Officials: Profiting on America's Downfall?
00:30 Congress Outperforms the S&P500
00:47 The Unusual Whales Report
01:00 Influencing Laws?
01:12 Alan Lowenthal Did What?
01:22 Sunrun
01:39 Abusing Power for Personal Gain?
01:50 Shorting America
02:13 Thomas Carper
02:45 Finance Committee Secrets
03:05 Bearish Bets
03:22 Rampant Insider Trading
03:38 Bipartisan Hit Pieces
03:50 We Must Demand Transparency
04:01 Did you KNOW??

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