Diabetes is a killer! Watch me KILL it first!

1 year ago

Hi, I'm Jim and I have type-2 Diabetes. I learned that my 15-20 year Diabetes can be reversed so I decided to do it. I learned how to do it from doctors (some here on YouTube) and started this journey a couple of months ago. This and future videos will give details of my diet, how I am responding to the diet and the results I get along the way.

I plan on a 3 month diet to see if what these doctors are telling us is correct. Please watch for future videos because if you too, have Type-2 Diabetes, you may learn something. Let me be an inspiration for your journey, as well,

YouTube Doctors I follow religiously:

1. Dr. Pradip Jamnadas - @pradipjamnadasmd - @pradipjamnadasmdclips
2. Dr. Eric Berg - @DrEricBergDC
3. Dr. Ken Berry - @KenDBerryMD

Watch a few of their videos and see if they convince you what I'm following is legit.

Good luck in your journey and leave comments and keep me posted of how you are doing to KILL the beast! (Diabetes)

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