The -Kissing Disease-, Ebola: Conditions/Principles To Discuss Virus' Existence

1 year ago

This is truly the prerequisite scientific conditions/principles for a true scientific conversation and discussion on “viral” science! Very meticulous, rigorous, and sharp! This is exactly what THEY are afraid of! You scare them off even further Tom!

For the past three years with all their arguments and rationality It’s obvious that they are not interested in truth, science, or even real health issues. IMHO, They just want “consensus” and “unity” to form a “cult of fake-dissidents” to play their own “cultist hopium politics” a.k.a disinforming and gaslitghting the public.

Thank you Tom. I will use these conditions/principles as WMD (weapon of medical discussion) to deal with those “medical doctors” I meet from now on. :-)

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