Ghost World

1 year ago

Enid doesn’t want to go to college. She doesn’t want a job. She doesn’t want her dad to get back together with Maxine. Looking at the wide world after her college graduation, she doesn’t really know what she wants—it’s the pressure of having to make a choice that rubs her the wrong way. Does she have to?
It makes sense that Terry Zwigoff’s 2001 comedy has earned the title of cult classic. Despite working with what appears to be a shoestring budget, the costumes (Enid rocks a dazzling new fit in nearly every scene), set designs, soundtrack, and performances are all top notch, and so unique. But the film has that time-machine quality in more than just the visuals. The general ennui and discontentment of the early aughts captured here and expressed mostly by Enid are not told with a stoic rallying cry, but more of a long, drawn-out,

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