In Germany, this first European start-up wants to wake up the dead

1 year ago

By Iolanda Fonseca

Tomorrow Biostasis is a Berlin startup developing human cryopreservation so that future medical technology may revive people and treat their underlying cause of death.

The young company already claims a dozen frozen guinea pigs and a waiting list as long as the arm. “When technological advances allow,” it promises to offer them “life extension.”

They would be hundreds on the waiting list. That’s what German start-up Tomorrow Biostasis is claiming, promising to be able to resurrect the dead.

A dozen bodies are already stored in a cryopreservation laboratory – a story worthy of a science fiction movie, as the very serious American magazine “Popular Mechanics” tells.

Emil Kendziorra, the co-founder of the start-up, is working hard to roll out the first company in the sector in Europe.

According to Popular Mechanics, there are already a few in the United States, like The Alcor Life Extension Foundation and The Cryonics Institute.

The objective of Tomorrow Biostasis is to intervene as soon as possible after the death of an individual to preserve the body and/or the brain of this person in a state of stasis, a form of profound sleep during which the vital functions are slowed down to a minimum.

Then, “when technological advances permit,” Tomorrow Biostasis will “treat and reverse the initial cause of the person’s death and bring them back from the dead to enjoy a prolonged life.”

“At least that’s the plan,” the reporter laughs.

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