TWO TWEETERS on Twitter Wire Sat [#TwoTweeters]

1 year ago

[Whimsical Poem Collection ... about Transitional Times Issues!!] -
Such a fun time putting this together, challenging but I feel worth the effort. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. I feel it is also suitable for younger people … you can be the judge of that. There are some nice little bits of fun and information, without being too intense.

Two Tweeters was written on 2nd February 2023 and falls into the poem collection which I refer to as ‘Whimsical’ which houses ‘A blend of Frippery, with Clever and Inane creations’! However, I felt it also warranted an ‘airing’ under my 'Transitional Times’ which normally contains 'a variety of Motivational and Commentary poems exploring issues of the time'.

Poem Wording:-
TWO TWEETERS On Twitter Wire Sat

Two birds on ‘twitter’ wire sat.
One was ‘Twat’ and the other was ‘Twut’.
“TWAT? What, are you talking about?”
The TWUT [truth]!! Plain as day!! Ok??
“Ooooo. Oo Kkkaaayyy.”
For clarity … I’ll refer them ‘another way’
‘TWAT What’ and ‘TWUT Truth’ … let’s say.
If you’re not careful, you’ll be missing a tooth!
Shh … let me continue. Anyway…..

So, ‘TWAT What’ was busy … C H A T T E R I N G
Asking, all the questions … ‘OF THE DAY’
And ‘TWUT Truth’, answered … but then …
They ‘SHADOW BANNED HIM’ one day.

He’d heard about this, but didn’t understand – I’d say.

This ‘Shadow Banning’, it undermined ‘TWUTs’ way.
So now … no one could hear or see what ‘TWUT Truth’ did say …. AND …
‘TWAT What’s’ questions were ALL answered ONE WAY??!!
Oh … What Dirty Sneaky Computer Algorithm Set-up Play!!

The story proceeds … with more dirty actions and deeds …
Meanwhile … more ‘TWATS’ and more ‘TWUTS’, were shared and aired.

But then, ‘TWUT’ … He was taken away.
Caged. Put in ‘twitters’ permanent jail!!!
How now could any with a TWUT prevail?!!!
“Nothing FAIR about it.”

TWITS of Twatter, didn’t get ‘NO REAL SAY’ …
Mislead all the Chirpers. All of the day! And night!

TWUT was banned. Fully off the wire. De-platformed. No more say?!!
“What about FREE SPEECH then? What about free Speech?”

TWAT – he just went on ‘Chattering’ with ‘HEAR SAY’
Stories Echoed, Echoed, Echoed … both outwards and back
Echo Chambers – they are D A N G E R S
Some ‘cute birds’ …. they had got the Memo
But not all. Now, many an unhappy fellow,
Much ‘Gibed’ and ‘Gybed and ‘Jabbed’.

Angry now. They’ve been had?!
“Not surprised?!”

‘Bird Sanctuary’ needed.
Yes, ‘BIRD SANCTUARY’ needed, for truth to be re-seeded!
So how did they … ‘the good guys’ achieve that?
Ah … the old ‘Nikola Tesla W A N N A B E E ’!! –
Was saddled up like a ‘DON QUIXOTE’,
to trot on in ……
“You pronounce it … H’UIXOTE …”
and so ….
He made ‘Twatter’ a great offer …
One which couldn’t be denied trade!!?
Here came ‘Twitlands’ … demise and aid!!!

‘TWUT Truth’ was, getting back a voice.
And ‘TWAT What’ hadn’t even realised ..
Any of the vice!!!
“You mean ‘The Lies’?!”

But at least both now have more equal choice.
Now all, get to listen again, to BOTH Lies and Truth!!
Twit, Twit, Tweet, Tweet,
Twitland’s Twitter was Smote!!

To give hope, ‘TWAT What’ still needs to be more discerning.
But now, at least, ‘TWUT Truth’, his song may be reach more hearing!
“We need to get rid of the Mockingbirds.”
We can but try to alleviate …
The droning monotone of ‘one world’s
New World Order song!!!!

A new bird singing born. TWI – may be related to or a little ‘Twee’,
“He’s my second cousin!”
But ‘TWI Try’ and ‘TWEE We’
May go on Twitter twatter to help reinforce, ‘TWUTs Truth’.
So then there were three!!
“Musketeers like?”
With some tuned ‘insightful’ ‘refrains’.
TWUT keeps TWIing – as the more of us sing.
The more together, the sooner we all get the better
of this ‘one world order’ thing!!!

‘TWAT’ do you think of that??
Well, in ‘TWUT’ – I like it!!!
And I’ll take off my hat and sing along.
I’ll TWI. It might be TWEE, but I’ll Try

‘Trot on’, Twitter Twatter, sing, song.
Truth is Gold. Truth be Told. Lies Unfold. Truth is Gold.
‘TWUT’ with ‘TWEE’ and ‘TWI’ tell ‘TWAT’ - of ‘the lie’.
Translated !!! Truth, We, Try tell What of ‘the lie’.
“Catchy tune that …”
Let all the TWUT birds, go on and SING.
Chirp Chirp. Let’s reveal E v e r y t h I n g!!
“Truth is Gold, Truth be Told, Lies Unfold, Truth is Gold.

“Probably the same on ‘Flakebook’, ‘InstaGrain’ and ‘SnipChat’ ..”… “
“Yeah …” [thought bubble ‘ZooTube, TwatsApp, TweeChat, TicToxity, WeeMe, Punterest and SinkedIn???!!!’]


YOUR SUPPORT would be great … via

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Or for this on look up #TwoTweeters

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For more from my ‘Transitional Times’ Poem Collection see YouTube “Poetry & Me @ Louiseiology”

For creations from all Poem Collections, see Rumble “Louiseiology & Poetry”

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Many thanks, Louise.

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