Benjamin Fulford Report 2: New World Order ends 500 year plan to conquer the planet – April 3, 2023

1 year ago

Militarily, there is nothing to stop Russia from sweeping into Western Europe at this point. That is because the US and UK armed forces are not going to fight Russia to save the KM fascist EU and their puppet governments.

However, all the Russians need to do now is wait for the revolution to sweep Europe. This is definitely starting in France where a second revolution is well underway.

The prominent Journalist Thierry Meyssan (the first to report 911 was an inside job) speaks for most French people when he writes:

Everyone notices that nothing is going right: the level of education has very dangerously collapsed, the police can no longer maintain order, the justice system does not have the means to do anything before two years, the army is unable to respond to high-intensity warfare. The problems are so numerous that one does not know where to start. public services should not be patched up, but redesigned according to new realities: The French, who in 1789 took the initiative to overthrow the Old Regime and create a modern society, hope to take another initiative to create a new world.

The protests all over France are now far from peaceful. More than 1,000 law enforcement officers and firefighters have been injured in demonstrations and riots across France, Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin told local media on Sunday.

In another expression of revolution, an allegedly “Anonymous” French police officer offers some strategic tips for overthrowing the government:

1. Block the outskirts of every major city using truck drivers.

2. Let in only farmers with their tractors, which may be useful against heavy vehicles of the police.

3. Use rubbish trucks to block any police station and surrounding streets.

Other protesters have acted by shutting down companies like the Total Energy Company.

French and German prosecutors did their part by raiding five Rothschild-controlled banks on Tuesday as part of an investigation into suspected cases of massive tax fraud and money laundering, prosecutors said.

Presumably, the raids are connected to claims by French billionaire Philippe Argillier that he has four databases that will expose 38 individuals who run the “shadow government”. Bill Gates is one of those 38 individuals.

This is no longer about pensions being stolen either, French Protesters want the guillotine for Rothschild puppet President Emmanuelle Macron.

No wonder Macron is trying to flee to China this week along with EU commission president Ursula von der Leyen.

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