High Quality Radio Recordings | Those Were The Days | Saturday, May 12th 1979

1 year ago

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am) It’s Arthur Godfrey again, but this time
he’s transcribed from a woman's club, quizzing
members of the group. CBS, Sustaining. (14:50)
BACHELOR'S CHILDREN (9-21-39, 8.45 a.m.)
Written by Bass Flynn, this show is billed as
“radio's beloved serial and won many awards
for its “realistic” portrait of American life,
In this episode, we hear big plans to introduce
2 bill in tne state legistoture, CBS, Old Dutch
Cleanser. (16:00),

PRETTY KITTY KELLY (9-21-39, 9:00
am.) This is the story of a "golden haired
Irish girl” who, in this episode, is accused of
murder. Her show business contract is being
cancelled because of all the bad publicity.
CBS, Slow-baked Wonder Bread and Hostess
Cupcakes. (15:25)

MYRT AND MARGE (9-21.39, 9:15 a.m)
Myrtle Vail and Donna Dameret Fick as two
sisters involved with 2 New York theatre
group. Myrt cautions Jimmy not to disclose
financial arrangements to Marge, CBS, Super
Suds. (15:15)

HILLTOP HOUSE (9-21-39, 9:30 a.m.) this
is the story of a “woman who must choose
between love and the career of raising other
women's children.” Boe: Johneon stars ot 3
dedicated caseworker at an orphanage known
as “Hilltop House.” CBS, Paimotive Soap.

948 am) Can & stepmother cuccessfully
raise another women’s children? This. series
lwies to answer that question. Kay and John are
worried about Ann in this episode. CBS,
Colgate Tooth Power. (15:10)

NEWSCAST (9-21.39, 10:00 a.m.) Bob Trout
with news of “Europe's war.” (2:40)

MARY LEE TAYLOR (9-21-39, 10:03)
Recipes from the Pet Milk kitchen. Today
stuffea vanilla waters! CBS, Pet Mik. (12:20)
BRENDA CURTIS (9-21-39, 10:15 am.}
Jim refuses to allow Brenda to take the show
hhusiness job she's hoen offarad bacausn he fale
Stacy is still in love with her. CBS, Campbell's
Ghicken Noodle Soup. (15:15)

BIG SISTER (9.21-39, 10:30 am.) The story
of Ruth Evans, big sister, guiding her younger
sistor and brother thru the trials of life. In this
episode, Big Sister Ruth gets help with her
wedding dross, Alice Froet and Martin Gable
star. CBS, Rinso. (15:10)

(9-21-39, 10:85 ain.) Aung denny uffers her
latest recipe book and continues her latest
story: Chris has been offered a job in South
America, is being urged to accept it and move
there with Molly, who doesn’t want to make
the move, Don Seymour announces. CBS,
Spry. (14:55)

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