This is what we’re all dealing with... (Disabled Parking)

5 years ago

I know I’m gonna take some heat for publishing this - but I don’t care. I had to park several blocks away because of these people, and cross 2 busy streets. Before the video started, on my way out of the store, I passed them and pointed at the disabled parking sign in front of their van.
They started running their mouths and said “there’s no where else to park - and you can’t do anything about it “ Then I started my camera - but they magically moved when I started filming!
YES I was confrontational- and YES I followed them - get over it. This is REAL life, and I wish the public would call out people like these when they see it happening.

This is 2019 - a time of “tolerance” and “acceptance” if you see something, please say something!
We need people to know this is not ok!

[rant over] lol

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