"When we like a girl, we don't j*rk off in bathroom. We abduct her and..."

1 year ago

"When we like a girl, we don't j*rk off in bathroom. We abduct her and..."

- Pak lawmaker Nabeel Gabol
And they wonder why Islamic governments are under atack?
The world is no longer in the medieval times, it has advanced. Super Islamic governments can bitch all they want on why they were atacked by USA or NATO, they had it coming. Even if USA or NATO of course benefited on the atack and democracy or decency cant be exported via military.
This is the true face of Islam, a religion of hate, of rape of destruction.
Its not even About Pakistanis as im sure there are many Pakistanis who dont do this, its about the religion itself, the politicians, the philosophy, religious extremists... And the governments dont to shit against these people. They can come at the TV and say this with no repercusions. As we have said, Islamism is state policy in Arabic states. In short its a Bullshit religion.

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