O’Connor law firm an attorney w/ personality‼️

1 year ago

Attorney Heather O’Connor, grew up dreaming of being a stay at home mom, but when those dreams came crashing down around her with a devastating divorce, she found herself a single mother to 3 young children and was left with not only a new outlook on family law, but a passion to help right the wrongs that she saw in the system. It has been 17 years since Heather started this journey with nothing more than a high school diploma and determination. She’s gone from community college through law school to now owning a multi-million dollar divorce and custody law firm. From poverty to prosperity, her story is one that inspires: to never give up on yourself and to always fight for what you believe in. “Every champion was once a contender who refused to give up.” -Rocky Balboa

For information and help from top expert advocate Francesca Amato
For help ask me Americans with Disabilty act questions, domestic violence and child abuse in the family courts

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