Insect Documentary top 25 amazing facts about bugs Suggested Facts

1 year ago

Insects are everywhere! Some people find them fascinating, while others can't bear the thought of them. In any case, we share this planet with these creepy crawlies that look like aliens. Insects existed on Earth long before humans and will continue to do so. There are actually far more insects on Earth than humans — there are 900,000 known species and probably millionsmore that have yet to be discovered!

Check out these top 25 amazing facts about bugs that will make you think about them and I am sure you will love this insect documentary:-

25) Greater water boatman breathe through their bottom!
24)The leg hair of a sea skater retains air, allowing it to float on water.
23) Mosquitoes are drawn to stinky feet!
22) Male giraffe weevils attack each other with their lengthy necks.
21) To attract a partner, some male stoneflies perform push-ups.
20) Before dinosaurs, there were grasshoppers!
19) Damselflies have been on the planet for almost 300 million years.
18) By eating poisonous plants, the red postman butterfly creates its own poison!
17) Grasshoppers hind legs have unique organs that store energy for jumping.
16) In its lifetime, a ladybird may consume almost 5,000 insects!
15) A single dung beetle can drag 1,141 times its own weight, which is equivalent to six double- decker buses being pulled by a human.
14) The first living organisms to be transported into space were fruit flies.
13) To breathe underwater, the water scorpion uses a snorkel-like tube on its abdomen.
12) Bulldog ants can leap seven times their body length!
11) Occasionally, a large number of fireflies would flash at the same time.
10) The wings of a bee beat at 190 times per second, or 11,400 times per minute.
9) Ladybirds will occasionally pretend to be dead in order to evade predators.
8) Each year, a single honeybee colony may produce roughly 100kg of honey, enough to fill 220 jars.
7) Houseflies use their feet, which are 10 million times more sensitive than human tongues, to discover sugar.
6) Wasps have been observed to become "drunk" and pass out after eating fermenting juice.
5) A springtail is the earliest known insect fossil, dating back 400 million years.
4) Ants have the longest lifespan of any insect. They have a 30-year lifespan.
3) Some jumping spider species can sense light spectrums that humans cannot, such as UVA andUVB.
2) The leg span of a giant Huntsman spider is roughly 12 inches.
1) Cockroaches can survive without their heads for roughly a week. Cockroaches do not rely on their mouth for breathing; instead, they breathe through microscopic holes in their body segments. They will finally starve to death.

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