SMART Cities - How the elites plan to control us (Abridged Version)

1 year ago

Andrew Craig discusses SMART Cities. Some parts are omitted from this version due to YouTube policies. NOTE: FULL, UNCUT version is at:

My interest in SMART cities and citizen's concerns about it have led the media to call me a preacher of “wild conspiracy" sermons. It’s been said that today's conspiracy theories have a bad habit of becoming tomorrow's truths.

S.M.A.R.T. means Self Monitoring - Analysing - Reporting - Technology.

It's interesting how a 1981 movie, called “Early Warning” sounds a warning to us about the very things facing us now with the Great Reset - the NWO agenda.

The world has radically changed as governement has sought to exert increasing control over people’s lives.

Discussion of many issues are being censored. Some information is not readily available to the general public by mainstream channels. Search engines and social media platforms are demonetizing, delisting, demoting, deplatforming and deleting content.

Censorship means the alteration or suppression of information…

A global agenda is being rolled out, to decarbonise, deindustrialise and disempower the western world.

It’s been said that 38 people control the lives of the other eight billion (Philippe Argillier). We’re talking the New World Order. One world government. Our world is now owned and controlled by a handful of super corporations and megalomaniacs.

Could it be that “our government is actively working to harm us, to dismantle modern society and enslave all people in a digitally controlled totalitarian world?” - So said Dr Michael Yeadon, former vice president of Pf* zr. The globalists want global socialism.

Many observers are seeing these innovations as possible threats to our civil liberties and freedoms.

Some fear that SMART Cities will potentially mean a loss of freedom for citizens. Some are calling them “Digital Prisons”.

The concept of SMART cities is already a reality in some places around the world. Take a look at what a SMART city looks like in China… Video. Of course, it’s full-on “Big Brother” over there… People are ranked, with a Social credit system. They live in zones, surrounded by borders. This is sinister stuff. Now, they are not crossing the borders of different countries. No. They are simply crossing boundaries between different sections of their own city.

Citizens are required to go through airport-style security barriers; checkpoints are equipped with facial recognition cameras (connected to digital ID), to be able to enter or leave their own neighbourhoods.

Fundamentally, the governors of these systems can actually take control of your every movement, and restrict your consumption of everything - from what you are permitted to eat, and how far you can travel.

Yuval Harari has declared that the WEF considers the vast majority of the human population to be expendable, and categorise them as consumers, commodities, slaves, or useless eaters.
Radical activists are pushing climate change hysteria… Ted Turner has said that we actually need a 95% decline in population.

The government of our own state of South Australia has declared that we are in a climate emergency.

The World Economic Forum are actively working towards this agenda of control. Of course we are being told the idea is to “save humanity”.

Climate change is especially the mantra now. They are pushing to track everything you do, under the guise of reducing your so-called “carbon footprint”.

One big way for the state to control you is to take over the control of money. One way that these powers will exert control is through moves to a cashless society - everything will be recorded. Every transaction will be tracked.

Your face will be linked to a new digital CBDC currency. that’s Central Bank Digital Currency.
Without it, you will be locked out of the system – no job, no healthcare, no social security check, no buying or selling, nothing. That’s the plan folks.

They want to achieve this by 2030 at the latest. I have heard reports that they will likely spring the new digital money system on us in 2023, and phase out cash all together within a few years after that.

They tell us it’s for our SAFETY, SECURITY, and CONVENIENCE. It’s all about control.

There are definite plans for a government controlled economic system based on CBDCs. They will eliminate paper money. The government will be able to tell you what you can and can’t buy; where you can and can’t go. They will have total control over every aspect of your life.

Proposals by the WHO threaten to strip nations of their sovereignty, and create a worldwide totalitarian state. We’re talking about invasive technology - it’s really just round the corner.

It’s been said that the aim is, ultimately, a world where our streets are spying on us, our mobile phones, our appliances, our cars, our banks… Some are calling it the Internet of Eyes. Artificial Intelligence is watching over the prison.

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