Hitchhikers Guide to SMART Cities - Matilda Bawden

1 year ago

Matilda Bawden presents: "An overview of the role of LGA and Councils in the SMART Cities rollout & how Councils are misleading and deceiving the public with impunity."

(Note: These are the views of Matilda Bawden. Not all comments are necessarily endorsed by church4u/Andrew Craig.)

Links that Matilda refers to are as follows:

The Soviet Story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G1OZYoxaJ2Y&t=3218s

The Harvest of Despair: The 1933 Ukrainian Holodomor Famine Genocide [Full Documentary]

The Great Reset by Marc Morano: https://www.c-span.org/video/?522824-1/marc-morano-discusses-reshaping-post-pandemic-global-economy

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