Uncovering the Shocking Truth of the War on Christians

1 year ago

Prepare for persecution. Coming laws against conversion therapy can criminalise pastors, counsellors, even parents - anyone who tries to support a person struggling with gender dysphoria. The law even prevents prayer. Daniel prayed a lot – and continued to pray, contrary to the king’s decree, Daniel 6:10.

Difficult days lie ahead. A scared world needs a fearless church. Christians are being silenced through cancel culture.

Trudeau in Canada has threatened protesters with the seizure of bank accounts. We can expect increasing fascist, globalist tyranny to come to power, with the ultimate antichrist system. Their agenda is totalitarian control. Socialist communism and enslavement.

The radical left are especially at war with the people of God. People who stand for Biblical values are shut down, lampooned, and labelled.

There are radical global agendas that some people are framing that are truly shocking. Peter Singer an influential Princeton professor - wants to have abortions AFTER the baby’s born. You’ve got 28 days to decide if you want to keep it.

What they call journalism now is mostly filtered and steered down a leftist track. A conditioning process is happening. They ban any different views from the search engines. Our freedoms are under threat.

Truly, we are in a culture war. We have witnessed a paradigm shift. Ultimately, there is a plan to rule the world, and enslave the entire human race. The enemy wants to suppress any dissension and unrest.

Authorities in the UK have introduced "censorship zones" around abortion facilities. Police are hauling away people who are only praying peacefully and silently.

The news media is a synonym for mind control. Our news is curated and filtered. It’s biased. Propaganda.

There’s a new religion now, effectively: Scientism. In other words, believe the science. People have called the modern obsession with climate change as like some new kind of religion.

Consider the spiritual state of the nation… We are in a crisis. Isaiah 5:20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil… Our society is being turned upside down.

There’s much social engineering going on. The schools are filled with radical, leftist ideologies. “Woke” nonsense has overtaken even many churches. Sadly, discernment is called evil in most churches. Some churches have largely fables, not Biblical truth.

The Bible tells of a people devoid of natural affection. Romans 1:31. Mental disorder and perversion is being accepted as normal. People are living a fantasy. We are being told lies. Gender confusion. People are ignoring gender reality. They literally don’t know whether they are Arthur or Martha?

In today’s society we celebrate the trans movement, homosexual marriage, and the slaughtering of the unborn. All of these operate without natural affection. Yet those who stand for biblical values are under literal, violent attack.

Much of what strong arm governments have been imposing is built on a foundation of lies.
George Orwell described ‘a time of universal deceit’ - the first duty of intelligent men in times of universal deceit is to tell the truth - yet that will be seen as a ‘revolutionary act’. Universal deceit can only be sustained by stifling dissent.

The church is meant to be the pillar and ground of the truth; 1 Timothy 3:15. False churches are now falling for all kinds of things. Our Lord Jesus cleansed the temple, He didn’t go along with the Pharisees. He did not pander to them. We need that same fighting spirit. Zero tolerance for evil.

The church is meant to storm the gates of Hell. Matthew 16:18 …I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Sadly, the reality is that many churches are in decline, and disappearing. In some churches there’s an evident lack of old fashioned Bible preaching and teaching. We need revival.

We need to prepare for the coming hard times. We can expect vicious persecution for standing for righteousness. Evil is overtaking this nation. Preachers preach smooth words. Meanwhile our culture is corrupted, and our values assaulted…

We have drifted. We need to stop being silent. We need warriors with courage to confront this enemy… We have a fight on our hands, as patriots, as the godly… Be bold. Be courageous. Be not afraid.

We have need of militant Christianity. Be brave. Fight the good fight of the faith; 1 Timothy 6:12.

There's a spiritual attack on humanity, to enslave and control people. We need to pray. This is a spiritual battle we are facing… 2 Corinthians 10:3-5. Demonic influence is everywhere. This is an angelic conflict. We have much need of spiritual armour.

Are we losing the war? Then it’s time to mount a new counter-offensive. The church of God is meant to be advancing not retreating.

Our nation and its leaders are truly under the judgment of God because of their disobedience to God’s Word. Pray for them. Be of good courage. Our future is in HIS hands.

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