The rumor of the downfall of an influential PLA general amid CCP politics

1 year ago

He is a military strategist, geopolitical expert, one of the brightest minds within the Chinese PLA, and a princeling. It’s said that there is a team within the U.S. government studying his ideas and theories. Retired Chinese general Liu Yazhou is a military thought leader with a large following among PLA officers. He openly supported Xi Jinping during the early years of his rule. Rumors about his detainment have been spreading. Recently, a Hong Kong newspaper reported that he would be given a suspended death sentence for corruption. It's hard to believe that Beijing would give a princeling suspended death sentence for corruption. Who is the Chinese general? Why has Xi Jinping become paranoid? What’s the impact of Liu's harsh sentencing on the PLA if the rumor is true?
-Is the rumor true?
-Who is General Liu Yazhou?
-The 3 anti-Xi forces within the CCP
-The possible impact on the Chinese military

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