Michael McKay – Life Navigation With Austrian Economics | Libertarianism.UK Podcast

1 year ago

Today, we spoke with Michael McKay, a Lew Rockwell blog author, about the key principles of Austrian economics and how and why they can become a life navigation tool. Along the way, we covered choice analysis, decision management, relationship management, the life and times of the late great Yuri Maltsev, how to become a better investor and entrepreneur, the rise of artificial intelligence, the rise of the global gig economy, and many other related topics.

0:00 - Intro
2:01 - Who is Michael McKay?
3:00 - What are the key principles of Austrian economics?
11:52 - Why should people apply these principles to daily life decisions?
16:17 - The road from socialism
22:32 - Cognitive dissonance and transformation
23:36 - Some reminiscences about Professor Yuri Maltsev
27:26 - Life navigation with Austrian economics
30:17 - The need to also understand Keynesianism, in the modern world of central banks and fiat currency
35:25 - How can someone become a better investor using these principles?
42:21 - Using the principles to guide your relationships
49:09 - The rise of artificial intelligence and navigating through the upcoming 'Gig' economy
56:19 - Further resources to learn more about Austrian economics and life navigation
1:01:34 - Wrap-up

Please visit our home site at:


Michael McKay's main link at the Lew Rockwell blog:


Here are links to the main articles, books, and other resources mentioned in today's show.

Economics Is About Scarcity, Property, and Relationships:


Secrets About Money That Put You at Risk:


Austrian Economics and Anarcho-Capitalism: Peace, Prosperity and Freedom:


Faustino Ballvé and Essentials of Economics:


Murray Rothbard and What Has Government Done to Our Money?:


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