What the hell is Senator Thune smoking…

1 year ago

What the hell is Senator Thune smoking…

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Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) is finding success wooing his Senate GOP colleagues to his side for a possible 2024 presidential run, with a number of his fellow senators personally encouraging him to get in the race. Of roughly a dozen Senate Republicans The Hill interviewed, three — Sens. John Thune (S.D.), Mike Rounds (S.D.) and John Cornyn (Texas) — said they have outright encouraged Scott to run for the White House, while two others — Sens. Kevin Cramer (N.D.) and Shelley Moore Capito (W.Va.) said they’ve talked with him behind closed doors about his potential run. Almost every other senator...
Source: https://sports.yahoo.com/tim-scott-gets-senate-gop-100000726.html

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