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Who Knew What When?

1 year ago

Now that the dust is beginning to settle on the irrational COVID response policies, it is clear that many in the political class want to rewrite the role they played in unethically coercing people into taking mRNA gene therapy products.


  • 0/2000
  • I think Dr Campbell has changed his mind albeit rather late. But I recall feeling quite offended by his adoption of the word "Refusenik" and "vaccine hesitancy" to describe those with doubts.

  • Thanks 😊

    1 like
  • Really well presented and thorough, thank you, such a shame that our so called National Health Service threw away their morals to clamber aboard the train of their tyrannical institutions, doctors, nurses and allied health professionals alike. Many were paid on the side to be ' vaccinators'. Shame on them all.