Article Video - Uncreating the Monster -- Municipal Corporation Fraud By Anna Von Reitz

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Article Video - Uncreating the Monster -- Municipal Corporation Fraud - Wednesday, April 5, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

Information provided to H.E. Cardinal Mamberti and the Vatican Chancery Court in regard to our Claims March 6th 2005, January 19th 2023, in seq:

Incorporation became popular among war vendors-- what we now call "defense contractors" -- just prior to and during the so-called American Civil War. This is because once a business is incorporated, the corporate veil that defines the business as a separate "person" protects the operators of the business from liability and the loss of their own wealth: the business can go bankrupt, and they, the operators, remain wealthy and unscathed by the results.

Thus, incorporation allowed businesses to be run without accountability.

Stop a moment and think about what this implies and how it changes the basic presumptions of good business practices, business ethics, and consumer protection. Suddenly, we have all these giant corporations --- Remington, Colt, and Winchester, the gunpowder and explosives manufacturers, giddy with their lack of any liability for their products. They could suddenly produce any product, poisons and mustard gas, for example, without any liability for the product--- beyond producing it --- or any concern about what it was used for.

The business itself could be attacked and so there was some interest in saving their investment, but no personal loss to them beyond that, so the Robber Barons lined up and incorporated scads of businesses. Incorporation became the new fad.

Of course, someone had to pay the price for this unaccountability, and that fell, in the case of "government" corporations, on the public.

In 1986, the "Territorial" Congress running the USA, Inc. Municipal Corporation conglomerate took things a step beyond that, when it offered to accept the remaining "product liability" for pharmaceutical companies engaged in making vaccines.

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