Tsai Ing-wen US stopover raises popular ire

1 year ago

Tsai Ing-wen US stopover raises popular ire 蔡英文美國過境引發民憤

Taiwan leader Tsai Ing-wen's so-called "transit" trip to the U.S. and planned meeting with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy have heightened cross-Strait tensions. Not only has Beijing condemned Tsai's trip as politically motivated, but many in Taiwan also believe her move is harming the island's own interests. She was called a warmonger and asked to get out of America by anti-war organizations when she landed. 台灣領導人蔡英文所謂的“過境”美國之行以及計劃與眾議院議長凱文麥卡錫會面,加劇了兩岸緊張局勢。北京不僅譴責蔡英文此行具有政治動機,而且台灣許多人也認為她的舉動損害了台灣自身的利益。她被稱為戰爭販子,登陸後反戰組織要求她離開美國

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