Revelation 5-6. This is the truth that Jesus promised that would set you free John 8:32

1 year ago

Rev. 5-6
The Dethroning of Satan.

The Kingdom of Elohim is as one day to the Lord, but for men, it is 1,000 years divided into two ages Eph. 2:7 by the kingdoms of men 2 Pet. 3:8. The world went from Christ ruling over us, from heaven, with the Perfect Law of Liberty to an insane world ruled over by Satan the antichrist.

After the Catholic church gave up the Bible and salvation, from above, the Lord gave us a strong delusion 2 Thess. 2:10, 11. The Lord hid away His face, power, glory, majesty, love, and Bible Ezek. 39:25-29, so Satan could rule over the world. Satan, the man of sin, was given the power to stand against the Lord and bring Job's family pain, suffering, and death. He did so while pretending to be the Lord 2 Thess. 2:4; Rom. 5:12-31. Job believed it was the Lord, so he believed that he knew the mind of Elohim and that the Lord had acted unjustly 1 Cor. 2:11; Jer. 10:23; James 5:13ff. If, you, like Job, believe you know the mind of Elohim and think the ways of men can compete with the ways of Elohim Matt. 4:23, then the dual prophecy of the Lord's questions recorded 4000 years ago are for you Job 38:1ff. The theme of the book of Job is to be patient in suffering during the times of ignorance in the kingdoms of men until Christ's coming James 5:7-11; Rom. 5:13; Acts 17:30.

Those counted as righteous by the Lord are going through what Saul did before his conversion to Paul. Satan, the demon and antichrist, while pretending to be Elohim 2 Thess. 2:4 convinced Saul that the Hebrew word "Elohim" was singular in number, that he was the only God, and that Christ did not have all authority. Saul believed him and believed Christ and his followers were blasphemers. This is how he persecuted Christians in all good conscience. This is why the world will hate you if you teach that Christ has all authority.
For 1680 years, we had no choice but to believe the lies of Satan and remain in the matrix of ignorance, eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil Rom. 5:13; Acts 17:30; John 8:32. But the ways of the Lord are back Isa. 55:9ff; John 8:32. They are exceeding abundantly greater than we could have imagined Eph. 3:20. We are in a spiritual war between the kingdoms of men and the Kingdom of Elohim, and these are the last days of the kingdoms of men Dan. 12:4. Spiritual warfare, the fight over truth, will last about 43 years and end with the second coming of the Lord, in about 2065. The New Testament is the dual prophecy timeline of Spiritual War. When the Father spoke from heaven and said "This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased, hear Him", He was speaking to you. When Jesus said, "Come unto me all you that labor and are heavily laden with the burdens of men," He spoke it for you.

The Bible is being restored by the breaking of the seven seals or lies of Satan. We know because we are told the second coming is at hand when Satan's identified as the man of sin 2 Thess. 2:3.

Chapters 5-6. Six of the seven seals: How well do you think the bibles of men rate versus the Bible from Elohim?
First, lie: Christ does not have all authority. ANSWER. ONLY THE Lord will be sanctified and glorified at His coming Lev. 10:3; James 5:7-11. All the earth will keep silent before Him Hab. 2:20.
Second lie: The kingdoms of men can make righteous judgments and bring peace to the earth. ANSWER. Kingdoms of men ruled over by Satan need the ways of Elohim to save us from ourselves. Sins of men are recorded in scripture to point to our need for the perfect preacher.
Third lie: The antichrist will bring peace on earth with his mega sword Rev. 6:2: environmentalism, socialism, atheism, fascism, etc. Every spiritual solution from men does not work. Does Buddha work? Does the Antichrist work? Does Capitalism Work? ANSWER. Nothing about men's ways work Jer. 10:23! Look at the Country you live in, it is falling apart. The reason we read about the sins of men in the Bible, is that they all point to our need for the perfect Savior. The kingdoms, preaching, and bibles of men were allowed for 6,000 years total to show they do not work. We need the ways of Elohim Dan. 2:44. Why was David the King over Israel? What is wrong with the Law of Moses? Moses! All men have thumbs on the scales of justice! All men point to our need for the perfect King to save us from ourselves!
Fourth lie: Find the best bible, religion, and preacher, then "you will not die" Gen. 3. ANSWER. Rom. 5:13; Acts 17:30 Christ has all authority. He is the only mediator between Elohim and man. There is one Lord, one faith, one Bible, and one hope of our calling Eph. 4. The Bible is not of private interpretation, even one word of interpretation in the Bible from Elohim makes it not the Bible at all Gal. 1:6-10. When the restoration is complete in about 2065, if men then add to the Bible, they will add to it pain and suffering from the ways of men. If they take away from the Bible, they will take away the blessings from Elohim Rev. 22:18ff.
Fifth lie: We can fix this ______ crisis, even if we keep the peace by force and the sword. ANSWER. No. If you live by the sword, you will die by the sword. The Second Amendment was a great idea for men, it was the best men could do, but now we need the perfect Bible, Savior, and agape love.
Sixth lie: The pseudo-science of men is to be greatly feared. ANSWER. No, do not fear Gnostic men unless you are a Gnostic man. Fear the supernatural objective truth from Elohim. Fear the destroyer 1 Cor. 10:10 or space weather, the Lord's cosmic clock. It already has many people's attention and it will destroy the world by the fire making a new heaven and new earth for the righteous to dwell on for the last 730 years of man on earth 2 Pet. 3; Acts 2:17-21; Joel 2.
Seventh lie: The Kingdoms of men will continue and things will continue as they did from the beginning 2 Pet. 3:4. ANSWER. No, Dan. 2:44; Job; James 5:7-11; 2 Thess. 2:1-11.

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