‘Nazi bell’ ww2 secret Nazi weapon. Time travel

1 year ago

How Nazis covertly won the war and become the ‘black sun Nazis,’ black hole entities, demonic beings from Hell. They possess much of your human species and many other advanced aliens much more advanced than your classified technologies even… I oppose them, they fear me; they currently possess my central nervous system to try to turn me in to 1 of them and run advanced mind control and gang stalking temporal technology against me and the other 144 / starseeds / targeted individuals on earth as they control the deep state and the NWO with singularity artificial intelligence. Should I ever be given a secure home and $ for protection I will become an arcangel full dna activation achieving ascension and end them on earth and or save them. Unfortunately they would rather die than lose, as would i. They are warriors of their fallen demonic species.

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