Brad Olsen: Author of the Esoteric Series Interview

1 year ago

Author and explorer Brad Olsen has written 10 books. His latest trilogy, the Esoteric Series is a chronicle of hidden history and truth, fully referenced, which paints a new picture of reality and exposes secrecy and an agenda that works against humanity.

In this interview, we take a deep dive into the origins and reasons why and point out along the way the various glaring data points that explain the dangers to all of us but also the way out.

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Our rigged and fake world:

It can be argued that every important institution in America has been sold out, corrupted and politically rigged to favour big government and big business. “America is a lost country,” explains Paul Craig Roberts. “The total corruption of every public and private institution is complete. Nothing remains but tyranny. And lies. Endless lies.”

Medicine, science, elections, the media, health care, money, education, search engine results and social media - we are living in a fabraicted fairytale.

CNN, reuters and AP are all now shameless promoters of every big lie across every sector of society, from experimental preventative medicine that does not event prevent getting the virus its meant to prevent getting to GMO’s to elections and politics to the NIH and National Science Foundation.

If this resonates with you then you have stumbled upon the exact right person to tell you all about it, fully researched and referenced in three separate volumes that form the esoteric series comprising of Modern Esoteric, Future Esoteric and the latest, Beyond Esoteric.

Brad Olsen is an award-winning author, publisher and outdoor event producer. He gained notoriety in February, 2010 when his travel guide Sacred Places North America: 108 Destinations (2nd ed.) won the Bay Area Travel Writers top gold prize award.  Several other of his books were either nominated or won awards, including Future Esoteric: The Unseen Realms the 2013 winner of the Pinnacle Book Awards. When I first read it I called it the book of the century.

Brad Olsen has appeared on dozens of television shows including the History Channel’s hit show “Ancient Aliens.” including “Coast to Coast AM,”  along with a dozen other radio shows and now joins me on the Jason Q Citizen show in conjunction with World Series News.

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