The Man and Woman Dynamic is a Huge Mess + Trauma Loops and Dysfunction

1 year ago

The Male & Female relationship dynamic is in serious need of an upgrade.
Dating is like watching two children fight over a toy in a room full of presents.

Give an opinion about how women are showing up, and the immediate response is denial, defense or outright attack on the men.

Encourage a guy to rise, grab his balls, stop being a child and rise… he whimpers about his mother, or what woman hurt him.

The trauma bonding and codependency loops are so intense and nobody
is happy.

Toss in some kids in the mix and now we have generational dysfunction - which makes you self sabotage and mega easy to control.

Want off the whacko wagon?

Give yourself everything you’ve ever wanted from another person. (Ya, read that 10x)

Men - your semen in your super power. I dare you to hold on to it for just 7 days and see if you aren’t Superman. Make the perilous journey from childhood to manhood, get into mens work and build your pillars of strength.

Women - get in peaceful interdependence with men. Heal your daddy wound, and develop a reverent respect for the essence of masculinity.

This is all under attack, and by design. As you fumble with this dynamic, your spiritual power is begin siphoned off by evil forces both seen and unseen.

It’s time to rise.

Children - become Kings & Queens.

If you’ve missed that boat because of underdevelopment, I get it - but fix it!

And ya… I (and many others) can show you how.

DM me ‘FREEDOM’ to learn more.

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Topics Covered In This Video :

self sabotage, self-sabotaging, why we self-sabotage, sabotage, self-sabotaging behavior, how to stop self-sabotage, self-sabotaging behavior, self sabotage why do we do it, self-help, stop sabotaging yourself, how to permanently stop self- sabotage,7 signs of self-sabotaging behavior, self-sabotaging behavior in relationships, psychology, coaching, positive psychology, psychology, personal development

#sabotage #personalgrowth #yourcoach #health #mindset

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