This video is for anyone who didnt believe there was a Mosque built in Moscow

1 year ago

This video is for anyone who didnt believe there was a Mosque built in Moscow.
" Kadyrov’s Chechen soldiers record a video from the Ukrainian frontlines, threatening to wage war against the Russians who have started protesting against the construction of a mega mosque in Moscow which could house 60 000 Muslims. "
The Mosque is real. Russia is by far NOT the protector of Christianity otherwise they wouldnt have allowed this.
In fact Putins actions including this one bring more instability in Russia than peace.
One main argument of Russia was that it was totally against the Western Way of doing things, which included allowing extremist muslims build their Mosques. Many Russians feel betrayed now since it makes no point to fight against Western Morals if there is no difference at home where it counts. Also, more precisely there is no point in fighting in Ukraine if there is no Mosque in Ukraine to begin with.
Its not only about this topic, but it certainly puts a big DENT in Putins rhetoric of protecting Russia from bad influences. It certainly touched a sensible point in Russia. People, regular Russians feel betrayed because for Russians religion has a very important role, Orthodoxism in Russia was always based and not even past rulers of Russia dared to do the things that Putin does now. I think it is very possible we might see a coup in Russia and not because of Western influences. Russians also feel that Putin would do just about anything to get soldiers, even setting dangerous criminals free (and by the way some of those criminals are seriously sexually deranged just like some of the trans people). With these new wave of criminals out in the open and freed, regular Russians feel that they could just as well live in "the West" where sexual predators roam the streets being vouched by the government. In this case it really doesnt matter if the criminal is a trans criminal or not, to regular Russians the effects can still be the same since the unreformed criminals are put back in the streets, vouched by the Government, some even praised for their heroism in Ukraine. And no, not everyone dies in battle no matter how much the Ukranian army praises itself that they kill a lot of people. Putin is putting the integrity of the Russian state at risk and ultimately robs the world of a country that can have some traditional values.
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