WHO pandemic treaty: 300 proposed changes from WHO - And you thought the Covid era was bad?

1 year ago

Robert Malone, inventor of mRNA technology, recently sharply criticized the United States' proposals. If the proposals are adopted, member states would effectively be subject to WHO, he said on Bannon's War Room.

This would allow the Tedros-led WHO to bypass the constitutions of individual member states, Malone said.

The WHO's two largest donors are China and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Bill Gates has donated $250 million to the organization. The two steer WHO, Malone stressed. "With these proposals, we are giving control of our constitution out of our hands," he said.

This is a power play, he added.

Kuipers let it be known that the Dutch contribution will be made as much as possible in an EU context and in coordination with other member states. At the national level, coordination will take place with the RIVM (National Institute for Public Health and the Environment) and relevant departments.

In May of this year, the final amendments will be submitted to the World Health Assembly (WHA) for decision, Minister Kuipers wrote.

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