Open Minds with Regina Meredith (Interfacing with your Higher Mind with Tiffany Barsotti )

1 year ago

Science and ancient knowledge converge as Tiffany Barsotti explains, in this interview with Regina Meredith, the delicate intricacies of the interface between our bodies and our higher minds. From the Reticular Activating System, which may be the seat of conscious awareness, to the functions of the Alta Major chakra, we can reorient our understanding of consciousness by exploring the Theosophical way of balancing energy. This comprehension will help you to appreciate the extent of evolution that human consciousness is now undergoing.

Rev. Tiffany Barsotti is a spiritual, medical counselor and researcher at Heal and Thrive in Encinitas, California. She received her Masters of Theology in Energy Medicine with special emphasis in Medical and Spiritual Counseling from Holos University Graduate Seminary. Tiffany is a clinician and researcher of subtle energy, biofield therapies and energy psychology. With her wide use of various subtle energy devices and her spiritual and intuitive guidance, she serves as an integrative practitioner working alongside medical doctors, naturopaths, osteopaths and allied professionals.

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