Pilot, Enter T3

1 year ago

My name is Anthony "T3" Smith, though I am known commonly as "T3", and I am an American artist (music), composer and philosopher. Highly influenced by people like Dr. Jordan Peterson, Bret Weinstein, Joe Rogan, Ben Shapiro, Coleman Hughes, Sam Harris and countless others, I was disappointed by the lack of voices I saw occupying the space of the concept of "balance" itself. Then, I thought about Gandhi's famous quote, "Be the change you want to see in the world," so here I am. I have absolutely no idea if this channel will succeed or fail, and I've already failed once before, but that was only because I gave up. This time, I'm back, and I don't plan on letting anything short of permanent brain damage or death stop me from saying what I believe, even if no one listens. There's something seriously wrong with institutions of all kinds in this brave new world, we all know it deep down, and I surmise that many who would normally be demonized as faithless or atheist because of their skepticism toward the church are often the most equipped to deal with what's coming. Yet, I still believe that those of faith also have a very important role to play, and after so long of listening to endless bickering on both sides across all dimensions, I finally understand that I should have done this months ago, but it's always better to arrive late than not at all.

I know that many, perhaps most, will disagree with my opinions, and I welcome it. I still believe that we can disagree in a manner that leaves us all satisfied in some form or another, even if it's not the way wherewith we'd expect; and chances are, if you also believe that, you're probably in the right place. T3 out.

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