Clip 50 - Why Israel Is Rebuilding The Third Temple In Jerusalem?

1 year ago

In my opinion, the strongest #evidence for the validity of the #Bible is biblical #prophecy. Sure, people can try and argue away what we would call prophetic fulfillment as mere coincidences or self fulfilling, but you'll be hard pressed to explain away the fact that thousands of years ago, multiple biblical #prophets predicted that #Israel would be destroyed, it's people would be scattered across the face of the earth for generations, and eventually Israel would become a nation again, and they would even rebuild their #temple! The odds of this actually coming to fruition are impossible.

#Jerusalem and the second temple were destroyed in AD 70 when the #Romans squashed the Jewish revolt. Soon thereafter Israel as a whole was conquered and the nation of Israel ceased to exist for nearly 2000 years, until their land was granted back to them in 1948 after World War 2. Never in human history has a nation been completely obliterated and non existent for thousands of years, only to re-form and re-inhabit their own native lands and gather their people from all over the world to come back as a global power now stronger than ever. It's unprecedented in human #history! And what do you know, it was all foretold in the Bible thousands of years ago.

If this isn't proof enough for you of Biblical authority, in the book of #Revelation in the #endtimes or #lastdays it says that Israel. Hold on a minute, there hasn't been a temple in Israel for nearly 2000 years, and still isn't. But wouldn't you know it, Israel is preparing to build the #thirdtemple as we speak. They already have building supplies in place, trained craftsmen, even a priestly class has been raised up who will minister at the temple.

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