Clip 41 - Revelation Describes an Inter Dimensional Battle Between Good And Evil

1 year ago

I know I know, I'm crazy and going to hell... I've heard it all before. Too bad you know I might be right :)

Some people read the book of #Revelation completely metaphorically and try to interpret everything symbolically and weave some kind of cohesive narrative based on what they perceive as imagery.

Others, myself kind of included, try and take Revelation literally and see what unfolds in the last days as a kind of #interdimensional #battle between good and evil which breaks through into our #dimension.

I know it sounds like an #Avengers movie, but if you read the book of Revelation, specifically the #prophecies regarding #Armageddon and the #tribulation, it definitely seems to be describing something pretty wild.

I mean there's numerous mentions of beings appearing on the earth who seem to have #supernatural powers and their intentions are to lead humanity into worship of none other than #satan. And then it talks about the return of #Jesus who comes to wipe evil off the face of the earth of a 1000 years or a long period of time. In Revelation, all of these beings are said to appear on this planet in physical form and all man kind sees them.

Sure you can take this all metaphorically, but what if it's not? Can you imagine what our skies will look like? Can you imagine the battle that will ensue? It's going to look wild!

I'm sure the powers that be and the masses will think it's #aliens battling it out, but from a #christian perspective, we know this will be a battle of God waring against the #demonic forces. Then coincidentally enough, we see all the lights and #ufo or #uap signs everyones talking about and it makes you wonder, has the battle already begun?

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