Clip 30 - He's Seen Angels Twice In His Life

1 year ago

Hebrews 13:2 says that we might be entertaining or encountering angels without ever knowing it.

Have you ever encountered a situation where someone random pops onto the scene just at the right time but their presence or actions has a huge impact on the turn of events? We call them strangers, good samaritans, etc. However, Biblically, there's room to assume that these individuals might have just been angels and we had no clue!

There has been a couple times in Dennis's life when he thinks he may have encountered angels. The most recent encounter was the day of his life changing miraculous encounter with Jesus that saved him from death, full episode coming soon. The first time was at a church in Arizona where a random person walked into their service just at the right time and possible removed a spirit of division from amongst the congregation.

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