Clip 29 - The Mark Of The Beast Isn't Real?

1 year ago

Here we go again!

With his amillennial eschatology, Eli believes we are already in the millennial reign of Christ. What else would that mean though? Well for starters, it would mean he believes everything in revelation before the 1000 year millennial kingdom has already happened. He actually believes the antichrist already came, there was already "the mark of the beast", the war of Armageddon has already happened, and Jesus has already returned and established his millennial reign on earth. Crazy huh?

But in this clip from our latest Full Revelation episode, we dig a little deeper into Eli's perspective on the mark of the beast. Most people will say that it's a chip or some kind of technology that is embedded in your body without which you will not be able to buy or sell. I mean that's what the text says right? That men will have to take a mark on their forehead or their right hand, without which people will not be able to buy or sell, they will be cut out of commerce entirely. A technological understanding of this verse just makes most sense based on todays technology and the way we're progressing. However, and Amillenial like Eli disagrees. He think this has already happened.

Let's get into it!

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