Clip 21 - Marriage Isn't About Your Feelings! It's A Prophecy About Jesus!

1 year ago

Did God know sin would enter into the world before he ever created humanity? Biblically the answer is yes. But we also know God already had a plan of action in mind. Jesus was the solution. Jesus had to enter into reality and live the perfect life we couldn't live and be the perfect sacrifice no animal could be, in order that he might atone for all sin and save those he calls and put their faith in Him.

There are dozens of passages in the Bible that espouse this truth. In this video we get into one of those passages which is found in the very beginning. In the Book of Genesis God decreed that man shall leave his mother and father and become one flesh with his wife. Later in the New Testament, Paul the apostle says this decree was intended to be a foreshadowing of the reunification of the Jewish and Gentile nations through the work of Christ. How fascinating!

Let's get into it!

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