Clip 20 - The DMT Smoking Aliens / Demons / Nephilim / Fallen Angels Are Back Baby!

1 year ago

Have you noticed that we're currently experiencing a revelation in psychedelics? Drugs like DMT, Psilocybin, Peyote, Iowaska and other hallucinogenic / psychedelic drugs are all the rage in culture today. Sure you can argue that this happened before in the 60's with the hippies, but now it's these drugs are widely accepted and promoted, and even legalized in many states and being researched for mass production by big Pharma. These chemicals will have a mainstream presence in our lives for generations to come, so it's time that Christians start paying attention and preparing for what's coming.

In the most recent interview with Randal Carlson and Graham Hancock, Joe Rogan and Randal Carlson discuss the historic use of these drugs by shaman, priests and witchdoctors throughout the ages. Historically there has always been a connection between psychedelics and religion or spirituality. Interestingly enough, now as many are pondering the end of the world and Biblical prophecy and the battle of Armageddon, at the same time there's a revelation in these psychedelic drugs which have been associated with spirituality for millennia.

Is that a coincidence? Or is there something greater going on? The book of Revelation and end times prophecy regular mentions the appearance of "angelic", "demonic", "alien" like beings appearing in our reality at the end of the world and before Christ returns for the final battle of Armageddon. Is it a coincidence that at the same time these drugs are being used on mass we have been getting endless reports of UFO's, UAP's, and alien technology appearing on our planet? Could these drugs be reconnecting humanity to dimension or realm that the ancients were well aware of? Were the times of Noah a biblical example a time in human history where aliens / demons / fallen angels came to earth and manipulated humanity thereby producing the Nephilim? Will this happen again in the end times?

Let's get in it!

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