What Tucker Carlson cannot tell you!

1 year ago

In a recent show, Tucker Carlson exposed one of the top US War Criminals, Victoria Nuland, who has played a role in various aggressive US Wars from Iraq to the current war in Ukraine. What he and Fox News will not tell you is that Nuland’s husband, is a guy by the name of Robert Kagan, who is one of the Deep State’s biggest pusher of all of our wars. Not only that, it’s a family affair for Mr. Kagan, as his brothers Fred and Donald are also heavily involved in the war-making business.

So Fox News will allow Tucker to do an expose’ on Nuland, since she is currently a war making “Democrat”, but Tucker only vaguely refers to her involvement in the Iraq War without mentioning that, in those days, it was the Republicans under George Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz and Dov Zakheim, with whom she and her husband were working, not only to bring about war in Iraq, but across the Middle East.

How do we know this? They formed an organization, which they called the Project for the New American Century (PNAC) and wrote a report called “Rebuilding America’s Defenses”, which went largely unheralded and underreported, since the Nation was coming off eight years of relative peace, with less money for the “defense” industry and a better economy for the people.

It had been seven or eight years since the collapse of the former Soviet Union and America was finally enjoying a “peace dividend” in which both the US and Russia were dismantling their weapons. But these were not good times for the DC Warmongers, “think tanks”, “political strategists”, “Intel Agencies” or their lapdog media (i.e., the Deep State), they issue their report, which called for a much more assertive foreign policy in which we would use our military power to enforce American “democracy” around the world.

However, there was one small problem. They didn’t think that the American People would support all of the wars they were proposing unless there could be some “catastrophic” event, like a “new Pearl Harbor”, at which time the American People would give up any opposition to their planned wars.

Lo and behold! A year later, the World Trade Center and the Pentagon were attacked and suddenly the “new Pearl Harbor” (the attacks on 9/11/01) gave these war mongers, nearly all of whom were now part of the Department of Defense under the Bush/Cheney Regime, an opportunity to engineer the wars for which they had planned just two short years before. It’s all in the report here: http://www.visibility911.org/wp-content/uploads/2008/02/rebuildingamericasdefenses.pdf

But that’s not all that Tucker didn’t expose…

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