JUST IN: πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ Ukraine to become a member of NATO.

1 year ago

JUST IN: πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ Ukraine to become a member of NATO.
This means Russias regime is screwed. The window of negociation has really closed. Until now NATO was ambivalent to Russias Regime and gave it time to settle things. Now, the time is up. Clearly Russia alone cant win against Ukraine backed by NATO equipment in Ukraine. China wont give weapons to Russias regime for many reasons, including the fact that China has much more to gain if the country doesnt support Russia. A nuclear strike in Ukraine would only deligitimise the Russian regime even more and would completely loose the support of China. Which means Russias regime doesnt have too many options. A bigger mobilisation in Russia would risk things over a limit and people will feel its a war not a military operation. At this point there is no way out of this for Russias regime.

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