Illegal Body Armor - Pregnant get $1K per month

1 year ago

Bay Area lawmaker’s bill would ban body armor sales for most Californians

In response to an increase in mass shooters wearing bullet-proof gear, Marin’s state assemblyman has introduced a bill this month that would prohibit most California residents from buying body armor.

Assembly Bill 92, introduced by Damon Connolly, would make it a misdemeanor offense punishable by an up to $10,000 fine for someone to buy or sell bullet-resistant body armor or clothing to people not employed in certain professions, such as law enforcement. People who already own body armor would be allowed to keep it but would be prohibited from reselling it.

The prohibition would not apply to law enforcement officers, firefighters, military personnel, security guards, firearms dealers, body armor salespeople, code enforcement officers and medical first responders. The California Department of Justice would be authorized to add other exempted professions.

Philadelphia to pay pregnant women $1K per month: ‘Solvable crisis’

Philadelphia officials announced Monday they are fundraising to launch a trial program to give $1,000 monthly cash payments to expectant mothers who live in certain communities.

The Philadelphia Department of Public Health aims to start the Philly Joy Bank pilot in early 2024 to help ease racial disparities in infant mortality rates.

Philadelphia has the highest infant mortality rate during a child’s first year of life of the 10 most populated US cities, the city said.

“Infant mortality in Philadelphia is a solvable crisis,” health commissioner Dr. Cheryl Bettigole declared in a statement.

Maternity Leave in Canada: How Does it Work?

Are you about to have a baby soon and wondering exactly how maternity leave in Canada works?

Maternity and parental leave are available to all employed Canadians. Employers can’t fire employees on leave, but they don’t have to pay them. Instead, employees can receive their benefits from Employment Insurance.

While Employment Insurance provides benefits based on a percentage of your insurable earnings, a 2021 survey found that 58% of Canadian employers top off their employee’s maternity benefits.

Want to know more about parental leave in Canada? Keep reading.

“I Am Georgia. I Am A Woman, I Am A Mother, I Am Italian, I Am Christian”

I wish to thank Yoram Hazony and our friends of the Edmund Burke Foundation for inviting me to open this important event, and for having chosen Rome and Italy as the venue for this second edition of the National Conservatism Conference.

I entirely agree with Yoram’s views on the need to put conservatism back into its traditional sphere of national identity. The great challenge facing us today is defending national identity and the very existence of the nation-states as the sole means of safeguarding peoples’ sovereignty and freedom. This is why I find the title of Yoram’s latest book, “The Virtue of Nationalism” so effective, because in a few words it clearly sums up the fact that our worldview is the exact opposite to what they would like to force on us. Dear Yoram, your book will scandalise Italy, and I will gladly make my contribution to this effect, because I intend to quote it frequently.

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