Jump-Starting and Influencing BOE Relationships - It's not about politics...it's about principle

1 year ago

In this world of unreliable and questionable electoral processes, it’s fair to say we all play the role of “Change Navigators.”
Our vision and mission is multi-faceted, but it’s not terribly deep or complicated. One, is to use the “ballots v. votes” statement to shift the conversation into one of “security, fraud and trust,” which the definition of “votes” doesn’t permit us (read deniability) to have an open and honest conversation about what we think is going on and why. The premise is that we are not convinced, nor do we assume that every single BOE understands this distinction and why it’s important. Understandably, there is nothing wrong with revisiting this definition simply to emphasize the point “for the record.”
As a supplement, this is where our list of thought-provoking “diagnostic questions” comes into play to expand upon the theory and highlight the problematic practices that lead voters to have doubts about the integrity of the electoral process.
Secondly, we wanted to establish the paradigm uniformly statewide as a means to present ourselves as a well-organized presence (to the State BOE) with a consistent message and to build some momentum as well. And maybe the “worth” element becomes an intangible factor. Whereby, a concerned individual, who wants to do more, but doesn’t know how they can help, can in fact take these prefabricated soundbites and place them on the record in an to attempt to move the needle…or at least change the conversation in our favor.

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