All in the Family - Part 13 - Dying for Truth - (The Elite Bloodlines)

1 year ago

In the world of the "families", the tribe, either you join them, or you are discredited and eventually destroyed. It is typical mafia mentality. Join us or die. Whether they use blackmail, sacrifice, or mind control, the lives they touch are still destroyed. Examples are obvious: Marilyn Monroe, Elvis, Michael Jackson, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Robin Williams just to name very few recent victims and of course JFK. But Let's look at a few who have given their lives for their words. Those who died speaking truth to wake up the masses. Though the violence and death saturated public is unmoved and un-outraged, by their cases, and this list is quite short, we hope to shine a small remembrance on the many who have been murdered because they knew too much and tried to tell you.

Professor Dr. James E. McDonald was suicided by CIA after discovering their involvement with UFOs.

McDonald had addressed the UN’s Outer Space Affairs Group concerning UFOs on June 7, 1967, and like all who expose Illuminati, suddenly, he died.

Phil Schneider was a government geologist and engineer who worked on "black projects," for seventeen years. In September of 1995 he gave a presentation which included his rocks, pictures, metals, and other artifacts he smuggled out, proving the CIA's involvement with what are commonly known as aliens. His videos can be found on Youtube. Less than six months later, he was found dead with a piano wire wrapped around his neck. He had been repeatedly and brutally tortured and it was ruled a suicide and barely mentioned in the public news.

February 2, 2013 Phillip Marshall and his two children and his shih tzu, Suki were all shot to death in their California home. None of Marshall's family who flew out there were allowed to attend the funeral. The public was told he went crazy and killed everyone and himself. Classic discredit tactic.

Marshall was a retired United Airlines pilot, he's written a couple of books, he was a former associate of the Drug Enforcement Administration and the CIA, DEA informant Barry Seal, who was a CIA cocaine smuggler as well as member of Group of 40. He was murdered before he was able to release his next book, supposedly on the JFK, 9-11 and Iran-Contra connection. He had already written books exposing the workings of the CIA.

Follow along on Page 92.

Source: Fearless Nation -

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