What are these devils, devil worshippers, and demoncrats so scared for??

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As you may have noticed over the past 5 or so years there has been a big shift in the spiritual. It seems evil is showing it's face everywhere. While this is not fun or good to see, the reality is the devil is being exposed and crushed.

See for centuries the devil operated behind the scenes, he doesn't want to be visible. The occultist are the so called "hidden ones" they like the shadows. But now they are in the light! About to be crushed as God's Children take over the planet!

Today I want to explain why. Why are the so afraid right now. Well what if I told you God released a revelation across the planet that they tried desperately to hide from the Christians. Many now know this truth of God's Kingdom takeover. Now its time you learn it too!

Get my book "Born Again As Kings - the end of satan and the beginning of God's Kings" @ https://kingdombusinesslifestyle.com

Shoot me an email at kingdombiz@protonmail.com

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