V409 Chag haMatzah I 2023: Miryam's Alabaster Jar & the Mystery of Messiah's Passover (2023-04-05)

1 year ago

V409 Chag haMatzah I 2023: Miryam's Alabaster Jar & the Mystery of Messiah's Passover (2023-04-05)
Website article: www.nccg.org/lev20230405.html
Duration: 36 minutes

"Chag sameach Chag haMatzah kol beit Yisra'el and Mishpachah! Welcome to the second day of the Passover Season and to the first of seven Days of Unleavened Bread which began at sunrise this morning, though you will remember that we stopped eating leavened bread at sundown the day before when we partook of the Passover Meal. It's the 15th day of Aviv, the Month of Blossoms...."

Chag haMatzah: www.nccg.org/chaghamatzah.html
Sunrise: www.nccg.org/sunrise.html
Creation Calendar: www.nccg.org/creation_calendar.html
Torah: www.nccg.org/NCtorah.html
Critical Realism: www.nccg.org/critical_realism.html
Cross: www.nccg.org/cross.html
Salvation: www.nccg.org/salvation.html
Plan of Salvation:; www.nccg.org/wayyahweh.html
Pesach: www.nccg.org/pesach.html
Easter: www.nccg.org/easter.html
Sanctification: www.nccg.org/sanctification.html
Gnosticism: www.nccg.org/gnosticism.html
Messiah Married?: www.nccg.org/JesMar-Intro.html
Celibacy: www.nccg.org/celibacy.html
Sheol: www.nccg.org/hell.html

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