Karachi Zoological Garden (Train Ride)

1 year ago

Karachi Zoo, established in 1878, was commonly called 'Mahatma Gandhi Garden'. In 1861, the zoo was transferred to the municipality by the government. In 1878, the municipality placed the zoo under a trust to be developed out of the public subscription.

Later, the zoo was once again opened to the public in 1881. After the independence of Pakistan in 1947, the name was changed to 'Karachi Zoological Gardens' or 'Karachi Zoo' for short. In 1953, Karachi Metropolitan Corporation introduced a zoo curator and a qualified veterinary doctor.

In 1991-2 CDGK for remodeling of Natural History Museum, carried out. In 1992, the Japanese Princess inaugurated the remodeled Natural History Museum. Currently, the total strength of Karachi Zoo is about 240 staff members.

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