@ImranKhanOfficialChannel Party Arrested, Beaten, Exciled By Mafia Gang In #pakistan

1 year ago

We the Pakistani people have worked tirelessly. We have tried our best in every situation and humbled ourselves in hostile circumstances so as not to escalate the situations. Our parents always taught us right from wrong. But we have had leaders who worshiped Dajjal. Whilst we did all the work in horrendous circumstances.

Never would the West stand without Pakistani Muslims. Who came out of British India. Worked and worked and Built both Pakistan and UK.

After the Hard work is done. We are left with Pigs Rats and Dogs go represent us. The filthiest of swines. Who visit brothels and send their daughters and wives there. These are the ones who rule over us. In UK also. Dress western. Drink fornicate go University.

These are the Kaffirs ruling over us. The British controlled politicians. We have the Elite amongst us. British Pakistani Politicians. Supporting Kufar openly. LGBTQ

These are the criminals that have destroyed our community from within. From education for children to lack of job prospects. etc

We Need Leaders Like Imran Khan to Rise or Better. Educated in Islam. In secular Education. Ahead of his time. We need to Snatch the Power back and The Army of Pakistan Must Obey Allah SWT and Rasul ï·º otherwise May the Earth open and swallow them up Ameen

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