1 year ago

IF YOU THOUGHT THE POLICE STATE COULDNT HAPPEN HERE JUST TAKE A LOOK AROUND. THIS IS AN EXTREMELY SAD DAY FOR AMERICA. Please follow and share the show anywhere podcasts are found and please subscribe to my Rumble channel it really helps get the word out, thank you and GOD BLESS.

WHATS UP PODCAST LISTENERS!!!! On today’s episode we talk about the judge in the Trump indictment possibly putting a gag order on trump and his legal so they can’t talk about the case while Alvin Braggs office illegally leaks to the media so Tru p won’t be able to defend himself. It’s just a rumor but it certainly sounds like something the new Soviet democrats would do. We also talk about Chinese immigrants of military age coming across the border in record numbers and it has a few people worried about sabotage and one person even think a war on American soil could be possible. So tune and find out what we had to say and as always share and follow the show. GOD BLESS YOU AND GOD BLESS AMERICA.

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