MOTOWN cofounder, Lee Canady, & Acme Audio Motown D.I. Wolfbox 3 Ed Wolfrum — Frank Sinatra "My Way"

1 year ago

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one man to invent the direct input box which has connected bassists and guitarists and keyboardists and vocalists (among other musicians) with mixers for recording and/or performing, and to assume the powers of the earth element, molybdenum, the warm and flat response to which the Performance of Musicians and of Musicians' friends entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of Ed Wolfrum requires that they should declare the inventor which impels them to the ease of use in the owning of a direct box.


MOTOWN cofounder, Lee Canady, & Acme Audio Motown D.I. Wolfbox 3 Ed Wolfrum — Frank Sinatra "My Way"




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