Weather Modification & The U.S. Military (Dec 23, 2009)

1 year ago

The Air Force is on record as saying they want to control the weather by 2025. This video shows part of a presentation given at a Massachusetts School of Law’s Educational Forum by Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri regarding chemtrails and weather modification technology. Dr. Perlingieri is an well-known author, educator and environmental writer and is well-researched about chemtrails.

The Massachusetts School of Law at Andover also presents information on important current affairs to the general public in television and radio broadcasts, an intellectual journal, conferences, author appearances, blogs and books.

Dr. Perliegieri does her best to reveal that the so-called “science” of climate change AGW has deliberately ignored the 17-year ongoing chemtrail dumps that are largely responsible for warming the atmosphere and changing global weather patterns to create the self-fulfilled prophecy of Global Warming that the UN/IPCC has been promoting for decades. These persistent jet aerosol toxins have been covering the skies from horizon to horizon behind military jet aircraft tankers for 17 years - or as long as the media has been hyping the myth that global warming is caused by CO2, while never reporting what is causing the lines and X’s in the sky that most of us call “chemtrails”.

#DrPerliegieri #MassSchoolOfLaw #ClimateChange #GlobalWarming #WeatherModification #USmilitary #chemtrails #contrails

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