Pfizer can't finish press conference because their speakers keep collapsing

1 year ago

Pfizer can't finish press conference because their speakers keep collapsing - satirical video by The Babylon Bee goes viral

Pfizer and other Big Pharma companies have made billions in profits on COVID vaccines over the past three years while dismissing credible concerns about side effects.

All over the world, people, especially young people, have suddenly collapsed and died after taking the vaccine. Yet the corporate media and Big Pharma ignore this.

The Babylon Bee has decided to turn the tables on Pfizer in a parody video released on Thursday. The scenes show Pfizer spokespeople repeatedly breaking down during a press conference.

The video begins with a Pfizer spokesman named "Pat Farabi" calling claims of side effects from the COVID vaccine "ridiculous" and saying people should "look at the science."

He then tries to say that he has been vaccinated four times, but suddenly collapses before finishing his last word.

A spokeswoman then grabs the microphone to stop his statement. She then claims that all claims of vaccine side effects are a "right-wing conspiracy backed by MAGA Republicans, hate groups and probably Russia.

She then tries to say, "Would we vaccinate 7 billion people if there were any side effects?" but suddenly collapses like "Farabi" before finishing her last word.

Another speaker steps up to the microphone and finishes her thought. Like the speaker, he also does not manage to finish his last word before collapsing

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